Gefilte Fish

Gefilte Fish

In stock

A traditional delicacy that is hard to find,  our gefilte fish is homemade and is oh-so-good!

**Note that gefilte fish is a seasonal item and is available for delivery beginning Wednesday, April 9th. 

Please select an appropriate delivery date at checkout. Earlier delivery dates cannot be accommodated**

Our gefilte fish is approximately 2 lbs and shipped in 1 inch slices. It will serve 6-8 portions. 

It is shipped chilled (not frozen) and can be served warm or cold, depending on preference. If warmed, we recommend placing in boiling water for 5-7 minutes until heated through. 

Please note that our gefilte fish is NOT shipped with horseradish.

Shelf life of gefilte fish is very limited, we recommend eating within 3 days!