Katz's Passover Dinner
On Passover you have to eat in a reclining position so let us do all the cooking for you! Each dinner is complete with gefilte fish, matzoh ball soup, brisket, potato kugel and a specially made honey cake. Chag Sameach!
Our gefilte fish is top-notch and made fresh specifically for Passover...but if you aren't a fan of this delicacy, you can swap in 1 lb of our legendary pastrami or hand-carved turkey breast instead.
*This package contains traditional Jewish delicacies to celebrate Passover, however please note that Katz's products are not certified Kosher, nor are they Kosher for Passover.
**Note Passover begins on Saturday, April 12th. We recommend a delivery date of Friday, April 11th to ensure your package arrives & items defrost in-time. Delivery prior to Wednesday, April 9th cannot be accomodated**
Each Passover Dinner serves 6-8 people and includes:
- 2 lbs hand-carved Brisket
- 2 8 oz jars housemade Gravy
- 2 lbs Gefilte Fish (can be substituted with 1 lb pastrami or 1 lb roast turkey)
- 3 Quarts of Matzoh Ball Soup
- 1 lb Potato Kugel
- 1 Honey Cake